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中華文化 | 因材施教 Audience-based Education

核心提示:因材施教Audience-based Education根據人的資質、志趣等實施教育、教學。“材”指人的資質、志趣、受教育程度等因素。這是孔子最早實踐、經后人總結概括而確立的教育、教學原則?!抖Y記·中庸》所說的“率性”(遵循人的天性)、《周易》所說的“盡性”(充分發(fā)揮天性),可以說是這一原則的基礎理念,它至今仍被廣為提倡,其要旨是:教育、教學在內容選擇、方法

因材施教  Audience-based Education


This term means to educate and teach according to people's caliber and their interests. Cai (材) refers to factors such as people's caliber and interests, and their level of education. This is an educational and pedagogical principle first practiced by Confucius, and later summarized and established by others. We may say that the core concepts of this principle are shuaixing (率性 acting in accordance with human nature) as described in The Book of Rites, and jinxing (盡性 making full use of human nature) as described in The Book of Changes. It has been widely accepted to this day, and its gist is that in education and pedagogy, the choice of subject matter, methods and goals must vary according to the individual characteristics of the audience if they are to achieve better outcomes. This principle has been corroborated through psychology and pedagogy, and has become a fundamental concept in the modern science of education.

引例 Citations:



Confucius said, "You can discuss profound issues with someone who is above average; you cannot discuss profound issues with someone who is below average." (The Analects)



Heaven gave birth to all living things, and it must treat them according to their characteristics. (The Book of Rites)



Because Zhu Jun adjusted his teaching to his audience, many scholars who studied with him achieved fame, and they were known at the time as "pupils of the school of Zhu." (Draft History of the Qing Dynasty)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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