見微知著 Learning About What Is Forthcoming by Observing Tiny Clues
By finding tiny signs of change, one is able to learn about trends and developments in the status of things. Tiny things are unobtrusive and hard to notice. But they may later cause very obvious consequences. Everything goes from being hidden to being conspicuous, and from small to large, and other chain reactions may occur in the process. So when doing something, we should fully understand and carefully handle its dynamics. We should see both the big picture and small details, get ready early to address any errors and problems that may arise, and ensure success of the undertaking. This also calls for gaining a good understanding of science.
引例 Citation:
◎ 故圣人見微知著,睹始知終。(袁康《越絕書》卷十四)
Therefore, when the sage sees tiny clues, he knows what is forthcoming; when he observes the beginning, he knows the end. (Yuan Kang: History of Yue)
推薦:教育部 國家語委
供稿:北京外國語大學(xué) 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社